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Final Program
Keynote Presentations
- International workshop on Lean Satellite - 2019, by Mengu Cho(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Analysis of the impact of Cubesat interfaces in small satellite missions: LUME-1 and WipTherm cases.,by Fernando Aguado Agelet(University of Vigo)
- Experience with the UNISEC Europe Electrical Interface Bus, Alexander Kramer (University of Wuerzburg)
- Hints and tips for the ADCS Design and Commissioning of Nanosatellites, Herman Steyn (University of Stellenbosch)
- Cubesat activity at Sapienza Space Systems and Space Surveillance Lab, Fabio Santoni (DIAEE-Sapienza University of Rome)
- BIRDS BUS - A Standard CubeSat BUS for Annual Educational Satellite Project, Sangkyun Kim (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- GomSpace - Missions with multiple payloads, Dennis Elgaard (GOMSPACE)
- Pumpkin Lean Satellite Engineering, Andrew Kalman (Pumpkin, Inc.)
- CubeSat Vendor Perspective for Optimizing Platforms, Haley Doyle (Innovative Solutions In Space)
- GAUSS activities in lean satellites interfaces, Nicola Sparvieri (GAUSS Srl)
- Integrating complex Payload to Bus provider Platform an Interface Challenge?, Daniel Rockberger (NSLCOMM)
- Big applications in small packages, Chisato Kobayashi (AAC Clyde Space)
- A practical solution to power supplies for lean satellites, Han Dapeng (School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University)
- Survey on CubeSat Interfaces, Mengu Cho (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Making "Access to Space" Easier by Commercial Driven Approach, Makoto (Mac) Kanazawa (Space BD Inc.)
- LED-based boards for optical CubeSat early identification and improved tracking, Paolo Marzioli (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Latest progress of Q-sat: a Leansat for Sceintific and Education Purposes, Wang Zhaokui (School of Aerospace Engineering,Tsinghua University)
- Norwegian Research Mission to Protect the Oceans, Evelyn Honore-Livermore (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Development of Robust and Compact Low Cost Sensor Station for Remote Data collection using LoRa modulation, Pooja Lepcha (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Standardization Opportunities for Protocols and Software, John Michael Bellardo (Cal Poly、San Luis Obispo)
- Electrical Cubesat interface issues and an industry investigation, Fernando Stancato (Embraer)
- High density common connector for extended connectivity in NUCube system bus, Ji Hyun Park (ISEE, Nagoya University)
- Benefits of a Unified Propulsion Standard for CubeSats, John Michael Bellardo (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo)
- SmallSats at ESA, Cesar Bernal (ESA)