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Final Program
Keynote Presentations
- Overview of Lean Satellite Workshop by Mengu Cho(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Practical Insights on Lean Satellite Design and AIT. by Haroldas Dubrickas(NanoAvionics)
- Constellation verification and manufacturing by Daniel Rockberger(NSLComm)
- Modular and scalable satellite for advanced new space applications by Kay Soon Low(National University of Singapore)
- Methods to mitigate acceptance environment test for constellation hardware by test heritage of the recurring production using empirical statistics by Dr. Qinzhong Shi(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
- Small satellite testing for novel technology in-orbit demonstrators: lessons learned from the SPEQTRE mission by Hannah Robarts(RAL Space)
- Future Lean-Satellite Communications: Classical and QKD Optical Communications by Fernando Aguado Agelet( University of Vigo)
- MicroOrbiter-1 LoRa Satellite System Overview by MOUMNI Fahd(MicroOrbiter Inc.)
- Design improvement of a thermoelectric device-based thermal vacuum chamber by Giulio Mattei(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Development and test of an magnetic based attitude control system for CubeSats by Rodrigo Cordova(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Technology-Capabilities Survey for Eco-LeanSat Satellite Missions by Jeimmy Nataly Buitrago Leiva(Polytechnic University of Catalonia)
- UNISEC-Global Activities for Space Engineering Capacity Building by REI KAWASHIMA(UNISEC-Global)
- Leveraging lean satellites for providing connectivity in remote areas of developing countries by Pooja Lepcha(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- BIRDS Bus Open-Sourcing Activity by Tetsuhito Fuse(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Development of an integrated system for lean satellites' power system testing by Juan J. Rojas(Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica)
- A cluster based on 8 bit、 flash based architecture microcontrollers: A platform for nano-satellite on-board computing education by Daniel Lemuel Sánchez Cabadas(Centro de Desarrollo Aeroespacial, Instituto Politecnico Nacional )
- Safety departure from Gateway using invariant manifold by Kohei Takeda(Tohoku University)
- Deployment Behavior Evaluation of Self Extending Booms by Convex Tapes under Microgravity Environment by Takumi Saito(Tohoku University)
- European Space Agency Small-Satellite Unit Overview by Cesar Bernal(ESA)
- Internet-of-Things sensors network for nano-satellite missions: Lessons learned from WildTrackCube-SIMBA and the S5Lab CubeSat Programme by Paolo Marzioli(Sapienza University of Rome)
- On-orbit results and lessons learned from KITSUNE 6U CubeSat mission by NECMI CIHAN ORGER(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Improving operation planning for multiple satellites using Python、 PyEphem and the Google Calendar API by Victor Hugo Schulz(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Initial design phase of slot based Flexible CubeSat Structural Platform for fast integration requirement by Eyoas Areda(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Revision of ISO-19683 for constellation testing by Mengu Cho(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Space Standards evolution: the GAUSS experience by EFRAIM BRANDOLINI(GAUSS Srl)
- Reconfigurable Electrical Interface Board for Multiple CubeSat Platforms by Marloun Sejera(Mapua University; Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Development of a 100kg Class High-resolution Small SAR Satellite by Shusnuke Onishi(Institute for Q-shu Pioneers of Space、 Inc.)
- Propagation Experiment using kurz-Above-band Radio in Low earth orbit (PEARL) CubeSats by Chi-Kuang Chao(National Central University)
- Strategies for Lean Satellites in Lunar and Deep Space Missions by Kota Kakihara(ArkEdge Space Inc.)
- Testing method for mass production (Smart POD and simultaneous TVT) by Hirokazu Masui(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Free discussion minutes
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