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Final Program
- Workshop overview by MENGU CHO(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Development of 6U Standard Bus for Mass Production of Multiple Types of CubeSats by Nobuhiro Funabiki(ArkEdge Space Inc.)
- Synspective's SAR satellite constellation and solutions by Toshihiro Obata(Synspective Inc.)
- Systems Engineering of Systems of Sytems for Space Constellations by Fernando Aguado(University of Vigo)
- Lessons Learned from 4 University CubeSats on 4 Back to Back SpaceX Transporter Launches by Michael Pham(Cal Poly Pomona | Bronco Space)
- Beetlesat Constellation design considerations by Daniel Rockberger(NSLComm)
- Sponsor Presentation 1 by ArkEdge
- DHV's Innovations: Advanced SmallSat Power Systems by Cesar Bernal Franco(DHV)
- Store & Forward mission on AE’s CubeSat constellation by Masanobu Tsuji(ArkEdge Space Inc.)
- 5G communication in space - the UWE-5 project by Marco Schmidt(University of Wuerzburg)
- Hyperfield - Hyperspectral satellite constellation for improving life on Earth by Tuomas Tikka(Kuva Space)
- Sponsor Presentation 2 by Sagami Tsuhin
- VDES Satellite Constellations Enabling Maritime Digitalization by Tomoaki Yasuda( ArkEdge Space Inc.)
- Conceptual Studies on Lunar Navigation and Communication Systems by Toshihiro Shibukawa(ArkEdge Space、 Inc.)
- A Mision Design for GNSS-RO/R Constellation in Taiwan by Yung-Fu TSAI(Taiwan Space Agency)
- Benefits of Constellation Deployment using an Orbital Transfer Vehicle by Yanina Hallak (UARX Space)
- Space One、 New Launch Services Provider for Small Satellites by Takayuki Kawai(Space One Co.、 Ltd.)
- Successful MIURA 1 Maiden Launch and Next ! by Pablo Gallego Sanmiguel(PLD Space)
- Launch of Constellations by Tomohiro Maki(MHI)
- Towards Next Generation Cubesat Platforms by Dennis Elgaard(GomSpace A/S)
- "Leaner" Collaborative Space Exploration Opportunities: Small Spacecraft Missions by Joseph Casas(NASA MSFC)
- Challenges in Operating and developing CubeSats for various missions by alim rustem aslan(Istanbul Technical University)
- Sponsor Presentation 3 by SPACE BD
- Start-up Company's Activities Related to Lean Satellites in Lunar and Deep Space Missions by Kota Kakihara(ArkEdge Space Inc.)
- Attitude and Orbit Control Systems for Lean Satellite Constellations by Willem Herman Steyn(University of Stellenbosch)
- ESA IOD CubeSat Missions: Current Status and Future Potential by Nori Ait-Mohammed(European Space Agency)
- Lean satellite design approach of the 3U CubeSat CURTIS towards a mass-producible platform by Jose Rodrigo Cordova-Alarcon(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Sponsor Presentation 4 by SEIREN
- The S5Lab actions on shared telemetry systems through Internet-of-Things devices: advances in the research on WildTrackCube-SIMBA、 CORAL and the new lean satellite missions by Paolo Marzioli(Sapienza University of Rome)
- VERTECS: 6U satellite for astrophysical science by Kei Sano(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- The Evolving Role of Lean Satellites Within an Open Space Architecture by Frederick A Slane(Space Infrastructure Foundaiton)
- Overview of Lean Satellite Related Standards by Mengu Cho(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Improvement of Structure Design and Testing Methods for Mass Production-Oriented Nano-Satellites by Hirokazu Masui(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Enhancing 1U CubeSat Capabilities through image On-Board Classification Testing with a Stratospheric Balloon by Karen Wendy Vidaurre Torrez (Universidad Catolica Boliviana "San Pablo")
- Lean Satellite development in Paraguay - Guaranisat-2 by Esteban Fretes (Paraguayan Space Agency)
- Retractable Solar Sail for Attitude Control and Orbital Adjusting of LeanSat Satellites by Alexander Kaloyanides (Loyola Marymount University)
- Best practices and lessons learned from standardization of CubeSat bus and AIV loops at Sapienza S5Lab: from WildTrackCube-SIMBA to CORAL with innovative technologies and new-era perspectives by Michela Boscia (Sapienza University of Rome)
- S-band and X-band communication sub-system on VERTECS project by Daisuke Nakayama (Kyushu Institute of Technology, IoT Network Innovation Research Center)
- Optimizing Single-Board Computers/Computer-on-Modules for Deep Learning in CubeSat Applications: Hardware and Software Considerations by MUHAMMAD HASIF BIN AZAMI (Universiti Teknologi MARA)
- An integrated instrument for power system testing of constellations by Juan Jose Rojas Hernandez (Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica)
- Study Case for Public-Private Partnership in Lean Satellite Development by MOUMNI Fahd (MicroOrbiter Inc.)
- Free Web-Based Link Budget Calculator For satellite RF and OpticalCommunications by Carlos Alberto Lopez-Balcazar (Centro de Desarrollo Aeroespacial, Instituto Politecnico Nacional)
- Logic Layer for a Low-Cost Mobile Earth Station Based on LPWAN Principles for Satellite Communications by Fabian Ramirez-Lopez (Centro de Desarrollo Aeroespacial, Instituto Politecnico Nacional)
- Overview of LEOPARD 3U CubeSat: A Technology Demonstration Mission for a Lunar CubeSat by NECMI CIHAN ORGER (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Scalability of Peltier Element based Thermal Vacuum Test System by Reynel Josue Galindo Rosales (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- BIRDS-X Satellite Project “Dragonfly” Telecommunication Subsystem by Yudai Etsunaga (Kyushu Institution Of Technology)
- Space Activities Towards the Realisation of an Indigenous Satellite into Space in Nigeria. by Essien Ewang (National Space Research and Development Agency/Centre for Satellite Technology Development)
- Demonstration of onboard orbit determination using Genetic Algorithm by Shota Kubo (kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Towards a Standardized COTS-based Payload Interface Board for Nanosatellites by Ezra Fielding (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Concept and Mission Development of the AI-MotherBox-1 CubeSats Formation by Femi Ishola (Phemotron Systems LLC Japan)
- LaptopSat- A new concept of CubeSat by Yu-Sheng Liu (National Cheng Kung University)
- Nurturing the Next Generation of Filipino Space Engineers: Capacity Building Initiatives by Mark Angelo Cabrera Purio (Adamson University)
- How to record the satellite development for the next project by Yukihisa Otani (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- The Development of Surya Satellite-1: Pioneering Indonesia Nanosatellite by Hery Steven Mindarno (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- BIRDS-X Satellite Project “Dragonfly” by Jorge Ruben Casir Ricano (Kyushu Institute of Technology Space Robotics Laboratory)
- Multi-Objective Topological Optimization Method for Satellite Structural Design by Arturo Benjamin Hurtado-Perez (Centro de Desarrollo Aeroespacial, Instituto Politecnico Nacional)
- SMD-QFP-Based Parallel On-BoardComputer For Small Satellites by Daniel Lemuel Sanchez-Cabadas (Centro de Desarrollo Aeroespacial, Instituto Politecnico Nacional)
- Automatic visual inspection and report generation system of vibration test for CubeSat by Tasuku Matsui (Kyusyu Institude of Technology)
Minutes of discussion on ISO-19683
Workshop photo
Group Photo (2023/Dec/4)